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Forbrain® helps use your own voice to help train your brain. Exclusive offer 30% discount.

30% extra discount until 31st May 2023 exclusive to Raviv Practice London

In our therapy sessions, we often use Forbrain Headphones. They are very effective in helping emerging readers in becoming fluent and free readers.

You too can use Forbrain headphones to boost your child’s reading skills.

Forbrain® is used as a daily tool for reading and speaking at home and in class. For 15 minutes of speaking aloud through the Forbrain® microphone and stimulating your own ears with your own voice, you strengthen your auditory reception and processing. It helps improve attention, memory and speech. See the difference in 8 weeks. We are able to offer a 30% discount until 30th April 2023

1 January

12 Week Habit Change Programme - Commencing January 2023