Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (AD(H)D) Questionnaire

The symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can be categorised into three sets of behavioural problems :-

  • Symptoms of inattentiveness

  • Symptoms of hyperactivity

  • Impulsive behaviour

Types of ADHD

A person with ADHD usually has symptoms characteristic of one of the three subtypes of the condition. The subtypes are:- 

  • ADHD mainly inattentive (also referred to as ADD Attention Deficit Disorder)

  • ADHD mainly hyperactive-impulsive

  • ADHD combined

This questionnaire is designed to assess the level of your child's ADHD. Most children will only exhibit some of the symptoms. Please complete and submit this questionnaire if you would like an informal assessment.

Please select the response which applies to your child