12-week habit change program
Adult/Teen 12-Week Behaviour Change Program
No more excuses for poor organisation and poor productivity - a habit change program designed by a Neuro-Cognitive therapist for those with diagnosed and undiagnosed neurodivergence.
Suited for age 17+ to adults.
Finally feel in control, get organised, be productive, and have habits in place of firefighting
Feel more relaxed and have less self-doubt
Don’t feel that others are having to compensate for your inadequacies
Feel proud to overcome the challenges of not being organised and focused and finally follow through on more things at work and home
“My whole adult life I’ve always wanted to exercise, and to find time for myself.
I now have that slot and have been following through for an entire year.
I feel more content and calmer because of doing the habit change work”
A Neurocognitive Therapist understands about Working Memory
Working Memory is a component within the brain that holds information for seconds. It helps us navigate moment-to-moment things.
Working memory has a limited capacity, everyone’s capacity is different, so those with weak working memory can’t remember much or get distracted easily.
As Behaviour Change therapists we understand how brains work at a deep level which means this program bypasses the need for you to actually remember stuff, and the routines we will set up will make sense to you.
Someone who works with you
Having an expert walk you through how you will do things not just what you need to do.
Understanding your deepest values helps you subordinate the feelings of procrastination. Knowing you can rely on yourself will make you feel so much more confident.
Accountability for your success is shared this means you do not need to feel alone or guilty for your past failures.
The program works with neuroscience to compensate for the way your brain works. It does not require willpower or apps, it’s just a series of simple accountability exercises that are bespoke to you and how your brain works.
You will arrive to meetings on time, spend more time being productive and not be worried or full of self-doubt. At the end of the day, you won’t feel exhausted and then mortified that you have to do it all again tomorrow.
“I always took ages to write good essays. Having dyslexia and ADHD I felt in the past I had too many ideas and didn’t know how to structure my thoughts.
Learning about sequencing and applying it to my daily routines has allowed me to understand sequencing at a grassroot level which has slowly transferred into how I organise my thoughts generally, including essay writing.”
Each week, know you are building incremental steps. Some changes are immediate, others take time, but you will see and notice the change so will never have the same problems again.
You will finally be able to let go of all those deeply held beliefs that you are hopeless.
You can finally let go of self-doubt.
As you trust yourself to do things and accomplish more, others will grow to rely on your skills too. No more losing keys or being late to meetings!
“I feel more in control of my life, and my time and save money for the last-minute emergencies I need to make things right. I can sleep without worrying that things will go wrong all the time.”
Using tried and tested behaviour change formulas that are developed by Social Scientists at Stanford University that have worked for organisations as well as individuals.
When you have a carefully crafted program that is bespoke to how your brain works you are not relying on what works for the masses. Having a bespoke program is the key to success - having a program that is live and therefore adaptable to meet your changing needs.
“I didn’t have to explain myself too much, the therapist knew my concerns and started addressing them straight away”
Program Outline
This is a 12-week program of one-to-one therapy via Zoom, with no pre-recorded lesson. It is designed with you/your child in mind.
We only have 5 places available for this one-to-one 12-Week Habit Change program.
1. Start the day, the day before plan what you will do.
How do you start your day? Do you need a Dopamine Detox?
2. Visualise your goals
What is your 5-year plan and how do you get there?
3. Self-improvement gratitude is everything.
What is confirmation bias and how does it help you feel fulfilled?
Work toward the gain and ignore the gap.
4. Sequencing and thinking of what to do next.
Can you connect the dots of your day to keep up with everything?
5. Having rhythm in your day: Identity. Being aware of time - general planning structuring days school/work /free time
Having to not think about time planning can be natural.
Our basal ganglia and habit formation
6. Habit stacking - understanding the passage of time/applying the techniques
Dr BJ Fogg and his method of habit stacking
7. The science of habit.
Why starting Tiny helps reduce friction
What is the science of behaviour change and how can you use it?
8. Working back in time
A four-week project
Never be late for another train, be the one with your cappuccino and newspaper in charge of your time
9. Time blocking and having daily themes
Find out your timekeeping style
Learn about theme-based or time-based work
10. Breaking bad habits and time dump
Cue/ routine/reward – the science of breaking bad habits.
11. Aspirations and behaviour
What is the difference between an aspiration and behaviour change
How do plan a behaviour to achieve a successful outcome?
12. Bring everything together
The final ahh moment. Bringing everything together and seeing how you feel.