Male Age 11 - DL
Duration: 8 weeks (40 sessions)
GAINS: Starting Index 85 increased to 127 = 42 points. 3 Years 4 Months Working Memory Improvement
Finished: 4th April 2023
Case notes
A student based from outside the UK was recommended the Cogmed program by the educational psychologist following a diagnostic assessment.
The data clearly showed the weak areas compared to the strong areas of cognitive function. The weakest areas were the auditory processing exercises. Data shows all areas of auditory processing improved. An exceptional training with more than 3 years of Working Memory Gains in just 8 weeks.
“We were recommended this program and wanted to try it for our son. He took the work seriously and really enjoyed the motivational games after each session. He is becoming more autonomous and compared to before. He is motivated to help himself and see things through to the end. This is a big transition from this time last year and before doing Cogmed. ”