Male Age 7 - AF

Duration: 5 weeks (25 sessions)

GAINS: Starting Index 66 increased to 98 = 32 points. 2Y 6M Working Memory Improvement.

Finished: 19 September 2022

Case notes

A child with undiagnosed dyslexia. This student was struggling with writing numbers and letters and phonological awareness. Cogmed came after 8 months of one-to-one work.


Very intelligent child who found it difficult to read and decode. Cogmed helped with decoding at speed. This led the way to better reading comprehension and a joy of reading. This student was able to apply work recognition when reading and attempt to spell words when asked. His retrieval of words when playing word games shot through the roof too!

My son could not write his numbers nor letters before he started working with Usha. We sorted those things and then went onto Cogmed. We saw a visible jump in his reading after one week.
— Mother of AF

Male Age 13 - TJ


Male Age 13 -DS