Female Age 18 - NP
Duration: 8 weeks (40 sessions)
GAINS: Starting Index 92 increased to 118 = 26 points. Working Memory Improvement 2 Years 1 Month.
Finished: 31st May 2023
Case notes
Student sitting A Levels. Neurotypical wanting to boost A Level grades. Needed to do Cogmed because it was a way to help in the short term so close to the exams.
Student experienced less stress than when doing GCSEs. She said she was able to recall German vocabulary with greater ease and able to keep more facts in mind for History. Overall this was a good experience for her and she felt she had applied herself to her fullest capacity. She hopes to get a place at the university of her choice.
“Before Cogmed I was worried about how well my daughter would cope with A Level exams. the GCSEs were very traumatic. This was not the case with these A Levels.”